Selasa, 16 Juni 2015

KARTINI DAY IN JENDERAL SOEDIRMAN UNIVERSITY Kartini Day. There is a form of respect for women's struggle, a symbol of gender equality, women's emancipation. Kartini there as a hero, not by violence, but still radical, on behalf of the truth of his own beliefs. Kartini Day, celebrated in different regions by using traditional clothing areas in Indonesia. Somehow, too, whether there is a relation between traditional dresses and RA Kartini struggle itself. Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) UNSOED held a reception event Kartini Day 136, Wednesday (22/4) located in Roedhiro Building Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UNSOED. This event was attended by the union of dharma women from many faculties and hold bazar, in this event many exhibiting a variety of food, crafts, clothing and cosmetics. Head of jenderal soedirman university dr ir mohamad iqbal open this event, In addition to the bazaar there is another event that is Kartini Day reception which was attended by 400 women members of DWP by using colorful national dress look elegant and beautiful, celebrate this time the theme "The Spirit of Kartini We Improve the Quality of Life of Women through Education and Economic Empowerment For Small family realize Qualified ".

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